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Lilly Gold Sit N Stroll Car Seat and Travel Stroller Review

I first came across the sit n stroll travel car seat and holiday buggy when we booked our first family cruise. Anyone who has cruised knows that the cabins can be tight and the thought of filling our room with luggage, car seat and buggy seemed a bit much (you can read more about our advice for which cruise room is best for your family and packing needs here). So we started googling for solutions which is when we first found out about the sit n stroll. The sit n stroll promised to deliver on being a holiday buggy, child airplane seat and car seat. We have now used this system on many short and long haul flights and across several continents so here is what we have to say about the sit n stroll.

THE DETAILS of the Lilly Gold Sit N Stroll Car Seat

  • Sit n Stroll is a car seat, airplane seat, dining seat and travel buggy in one! No need to take baby out to change function the wheels pop in and out with a simple mechanism! 
  • For car use. Rear facing from birth to 13kg and forward facing from 9kg to 18kg. 
  • Non-isofix base allows use in all eventualities abroad, it can be secured with a shoulder or lap belt. Additional securing is possible with the addition of a top tether which can secure the floor or boot of the car (included).
  • For use as a dining booster.  Simply fold the wheels away and place on a sided chair for a comfortable eating position for your little one. 
  • As an occasional and holiday buggy. The integral wheels pop down so you can wheel the Sit n Stroll anywhere. From taxi to mall, from aircraft to baggage reclaim. Sit n Stroll can be used on regular bases but it is predominantly a travel product and is not intended to replace your daily buggy.
  • Certified to ECE R44/04 standard which is acceptable to the EASA (EU) and FAA (USA) Always call your airline in advance to confirm using a child restraint device as seating restrictions may apply. Make travel with little ones safer and simpler with Sit n Stroll. Don’t compromise on safety when you are on holiday, Sit n Stroll covers all eventualities. Four years of simple and convenient travel in one simple unit. No more gambling with car rental seats abroad.

OUR USE AND VERDICT on the Lilly Gold Sit n Stroll by

This car seat and buggy has been with us on several trips in Qatar, UK, UAE, Japan and Sweden name but a few which has given us ample time to test the product.
  • It is expensive at 289.99 GBP however when frequent travellers compare this to foreign car hire seats I think it actually will save money
  • Can take on plane and use as airplane seat – not worrying about hold damage or worse loss!
  • need to purchase the umbrella as the shade is not very good
  • doesn’t recline so might prove difficult for nap times for younger babies. We are at the stage where Baby E will happily fall asleep in this
  • It says can be used from birth, however I think this is a little stretch. We tested on a short jaunt around our compound (not on the open road) and didn’t feel baby was secure enough until around 8 months old
  • Think it will be easier to fit once it is front facing
  • Not the most robust buggy, but it doesn’t claim to be. The amazon description descripes as car seat and occasional holiday buggy. I actually think it is a great buggy for resorts and city travel so long as the roads are flat. Cobbles would kill this in seconds (though I have yet to find a holiday buggy that isn’t killed by cobbles)
  • You will find everyone in the airport asks you questions about it and will stop you for pictures. The problems of being a trend setter 😉

Our overall verdict of the Lilly Gold Sit N Stroll

Overall, I think this is my favourite travel gadget that we have found. We have used it countless time and I don’t think there is anything more important than child safety and car safety when travelling. The fact that you can, once your child is bigger, keep the seat with you while you are on the plane, and eliminate the worries of foreign car seat hire make this the most essential travel gadget we own.