In this guide we will round up all the best questions to ask Disney characters to ensure you have the best interaction with the characters. Most people I have seen meeting Disney characters at meet and greets actually spend little time actually interacting with the characters that they have often queued a long time to see. This is definitely a missed opportunity so whether you are meeting one of the classics characters like mickey Mouse or one of the villains we have you covered with the best questions to ask them to make the best character interaction.
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In my opinion one of the best things to do at Disney, whether you are visiting in Disney World, Disneyland Paris, Tokyo Disney or the original Disneyland or California Adventure is to do meet and greets with the characters.
In this guide we round up questions for Classic Characters, like Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Daisy for instance where you will get non-verbal answers or characters who will answer back.

Questions to ask Disney princesses – questions to ask snow white
Please note: if you are looking for the best questions to ask Disney Princesses check out our dedicated princess post.
What Not to Ask Disney characters
Before we get onto what to ask them, first here are a few things that you should never ask or say to Disney Characters at Meet and greets
- Don’t complain about the length of the line, yes the queue to meet them has likely been long but it’s not their fault
- Don’t complain if a character gets pulled out of rotation just before your meeting – there are very strict rules on when characters must go on break. Again it’s not their fault
- Don’t get them to try and break character – they are not allowed to break character this would ruin the magic. Don’t try to trick them into breaking character – it’s not fair.
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Best Questions to Ask Classic Disney Characters

Where to meet characters at Disneyland with toddlers / Best Questions to ask Disney characters
The key to finding the best questions to ask classic Disney characters is finding questions that can have an easy non-verbal response or asking them to do something with you. Another way to get a great character interaction at Disney is by wearing something with the character you are meeting on or even Disneybounding.
As the questions you ask have to have non verbal responses there are some staple type questions that you can ask them such as;

Best questions to ask disney characters
- Where is X(Insert the name of their other half or most commonly associated character). This will normally get the non verbal characters to be quite animated.
- Ask them to do certain poses with you for photos. For more information on best poses with Disney characters check out this post.
- Remember to ask them to sign your autograph book. This another great way to keep the interaction going and get the characters excited.
- Ask them to dance with you or you could ask the classic characters to do the hot dog dance from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
- Ask them to give you a high five or play a game.
Best Questions to Ask Woody, Buzz and Other Toy Story Characters

Best questions to ask disney characters – best poses with disney characters
Note: Despite some wild internet rumours, I can confirm that it is in fact an internet myth that if you shout “Andy’s Coming” the characters will drop to the floor. Let’s be honest if this really did happen the characters would spend more time on the floor than standing up.
- Ask Buzz to show you his flamenco moves
- Ask if he is on Spanish mode
Best Questions to Ask Disney Characters
In this section we will look at the best questions to ask Disney characters who can answer you back. These are often my favourite interactions as the responses are always different and usually quite funny.
I have included questions for characters that are often meet and greets in the park or who have permanent meet and greet stations in the park.
Note: If there are any characters that aren’t in this list but you would like to have questions for be sure to leave a comment and I will do my best to update my post with your request.
Best Questions to Ask Peter Pan and Wendy
- Ask if they ever want to grow up
- Ask if they have any pixie dust with them
- Ask where Hook is
- Ask what their happy thoughts are
- Ask if they like riding the Peter Pan ride
Best Questions to Ask Tinkerbell
- Ask Tinkerbell where the other fairies are
- Ask why she left Pixie Hollow
- Ask her why she isn’t nicer to Wendybird
- Ask if they like riding the Peter Pan ride
Best Questions to Ask Alice and the Mad Hatter
- When you first meet Alice be sure to say “How Do you Do”
- Tell them it’s your unbirthday
- Ask them if its their unbirthday
- Ask Alice what her favourite flower is
- Ask Alice where Dinah is
- Ask her what the flavours of the Eat Me Drink Me things are.
- Ask if the White Rabbit is ever on time
- Ask the Mad Hatter how a raven is like a writing desk
- Ask if they like riding the teacups
- Ask them where the Cheshire cat is
Best Questions to Ask Mary Poppins and Bert
- Ask them to say Supercalifracilisticexpe
- Ask them to say it backwards
- Ask them what their jolliest holiday was
- Ask her what way the wind is currently blowing
- Ask her if she could jump into any painting what it would be
- Ask if they like riding the carousel and ask if the horses have ever come off the ride
Best Questions to Ask Flynn Ryder
- Ask him if anyone has ever painted his nose right
- Ask him to show you his smoulder
- Ask him what is in his satchel
- Ask him if prefers being Eugene or Flynn
- Ask whether he prefers blondes or brunettes
- Ask whether he prefers using swords or saucepans to fight now
Questions to Ask Mirabel
Mirabel is one of the newest meet and greets at Disneyland and Disneyworld and she is hugely popular so expect a long wait. But once you get there be armed with questions to make the most out of the experience
- Ask her how Isabella is
- Ask her if you can talk about Bruno
- Ask her what gift she would most like to have
- Ask her what is the favourite thing her mum cooks
- Ask if Abuela is being nice
Best Questions to Ask Disney Villains
Disney Viljans aren’t always out in the parks as Meet and Greets unless you are visiting during the Halloween season when you are much more likely to see them.
Of the Villains, the most common ones to meet in the parks on a normal day have to be Captain Hook and Smee and Gaston. Though we have also met the ugly sisters and Cruella outside of Halloween season.
In this guide we will round up the best questions to ask Disney Villains and I can assure you that your meet and greet with a Disney villain may be one of your most memorable at the park.
Best Questions to Ask Captain Hook and Smee
- Shout Tick Tock and see what happens
- Ask him if he or Captain Jack is the best Pirate in the park
- Ask him where’s Peter
- Ask him if he would like to be a pirate in the carribbean
Best Questions to Ask Gaston
- Ask Gaston to show you his biceps
Best Questions to Ask Maleficent
- Ask her where aurora is
- Ask her she likes turning into a dragon
- Ask her what she thinks of the fairies
- Ask her why she hates King Stefan
Best Questions to Ask Cruella DeVil
- Tell Cruella that fur is out of fashion and see what she says
- Ask Cruella if she has learnt to drive any better
- Ask her what she thinks of the song Cruella DeVil
- Ask what does she think of the Dalmatian Foundation.
- Tell her about any dogs you have at home
Best Questions to Ask Evil Queen
- Ask her where her mirror is
- Ask her if she or Snow White is the fairest of all
- Ask her if she eats apples
Best Questions to Ask the Ugly Stepsisters
- Ask them where Cinderella is and see their reaction
- Ask them to sing
- Ask them who is the prettiest
What is the best Disney character interaction you have had? Tell us any questions you asked or what you did that made it so great.
If there are any characters you would like adding to this list leave us a comment and we’d be happy to provide more suggestions.