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Totseat Travel High Chair – Solving the problem of eating out with toddlers

Totseat Travel High Chair – Solving the problem of eating out with toddlers

Travelling with children, especially toddlers often poses challenges but is so worthwhile. But out of all the challenges the one we struggle with most is eating out with our toddler. On top of the worries about ensuring our toddler gets a nutritious meal, is the concern of where and how we will feed our little one. How often have you turned up to a restaurant that doesn’t have a high chair, or perhaps a dirty one – shudder shudder,  I’m always on be lookout for products that can help ease some the challenges of travelling with tots so I was delighted to try out the Totseat – the perfect travel high chair! Is the Totseat the perfect travel high chair?

While in the UK we are used to high facilities being readily available at any type of restaurant. However we have found that when travelling abroad these products aren’t so readily available. From Sweden to Japan we have gone to restaurants that have no high chairs so the Totseat has become one of our travel essentials.

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The Totseat is very portable folding down to almost nothing meaning that you really can take it with you anywhere! It easily fits into the nappy bag or under a pram so you don’t need to worry about carting around even more baby paraphernalia!

The washable fabric also means that it is easy to keep clean even when travelling and not having the same washing facilities as you would at home!

The Totseat fits over any type of chair! We have tested this on a variety of seats and had success on all (as long as the chair has a back)!

It is easy to put on and off meaning that even in a crowded restaurant you can get it on the seat with no hassle. Also the one size fits all seat means that there is no struggling to adjust!

Last year I recommended the Totseat as one of my must have family travel gadgets in 2017 and I can safely say that the Totseat will stay on my family travel essentials in 2018 too!