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ULTIMATE Disney World toddler packing list

ULTIMATE Disney World toddler packing list

In this Disney World toddler packing list we cover what to pack for Disney World with toddlers from things to help them nap, clothes, food and more.

In my opinion visiting Disneyworld with toddlers is one of the most magical times to visit. However, if you are traveling with toddlers it does take a bit more thought and time spent on what to pack for them.  In this guide we will break down what to pack for Disney World with toddlers from home and what you should add to your Disney World day pack for toddlers to ensure you are covered for every eventuality and make sure you and your toddler have the a magical day at the most magical place on earth! 

Please note that this Disney World toddler packing list is applicable whatever park you are going to. However if you want more inspiration on outfits inspired by characters check out our individual park guides as well as our toddler guides at each individual park:

And if you are going to Disneyland then be sure to check out our dedicated guide on What to Pack for Disneyland with toddlers

Important Note: This post may contain affiliate links which means if you click through and make a purchase I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you!

What to pack for Disney World with toddlers (Clothing)

Disney World Toddler Packing List / What to Pack for Disney World with toddlers

Disney World Toddler Packing List / What to Pack for Disney World with toddlers


In my opinion, toddlers are one of the best ages to visit Disney World even if each park caters to differ age groups in different ways. For my toddler, one of the best things about visiting Disney World is doing all of the character meet and greets. 

And one way in which she gets a great character interaction is by dressing up in their outfits. 

Now although Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique is a great experience for children especially toddlers, it is an expensive endeavour. One way to ensure both great character interactions as well as to save money on experiences is to bring costumes with you. 

We recommend either buying on Amazon or at Target as these have the best value costumes that we have found. 

Shop toddler Disney costumes here.

Next read:  best questions to ask Disney princesses

T Shirts

Now if your toddler isn’t into dressing up, no problem there is still plenty of ways they can theme their outfits. Grab a T shirt with their favourite Disney character on. We like to pick a t shirt to match a character we know that we want to meet (check out our guide on best questions to ask Disney Characters to help enhance your interaction).

Alternatively you could get matching family Disney vacation t shirts which make for some great family photographs at Disney. 

Click here to shop Disney Vacation T Shirts

Or if you want to pay homage to your toddler’s favorite character without using a costume you could Disneybound – which is matching your outfit to the characters costume without actually dressing up – check out this post for more information on how to Disneybound). 


Now although your toddler may not be able to ride the water rides at Disney World like Splash Mountain or the River Rapids, there is always a chance of heavy rain in Florida.

 I recommend trying to pack ponchos for your whole family. There are even cute Disney ones available which will be much cheaper than buying them the park. For this reason we recommend buying therein advance. 

Click here to shop ponchos 

Sun Hat


Whatever month you are visiting Florida, you will find the sun is strong. Therefore it is essential to pack a sun hat for your toddler. 

Click here to shop toddler sun hats 


As I said above, the sun is always strong in Florida therefore it is imperative that you get your toddler some sunglasses. I would recommend getting them used to wearing both the sunhat and sunglasses before you travel to ensure that they stay sun safe. 

Click here to shop toddler sunglasses 

Spare Outfits

Any parent who has traveled with a toddler before will tell you the importance of packing spare outfits for your toddler whatever the destination.

Of course, there are plenty of places at Disney World to buy new Disney toddler outfits however these are quite pricey, having spares with you will definitely save you a small fortune. 

Generally speaking I tend to pack 1-2 spare outfits per day for my toddler in my Disney day pack depending on the weather how long I expect to be the parks and depending on how messy your toddler usually is. 


Even though Disney World tends to have year round good weather, there are definitely cooler days. And if you want to stay into the evening to watch some of the shows such as Harmonious or see the fireworks at Magic Kingdom then you will want to make sure you have an extra layer for them. 

Any hoodie will do but there are some super cute Disney ones on the market. 

Next read: ULTIMATE 2 week Orlando itinerary.

What are the best shoes for Disney World for Toddlers 

Epcot with a toddler: toddler rides at Epcot

Epcot with a toddler: toddler rides at Epcot


Comfy shoes are important for Disney whatever age you are. Both of my children as toddlers preferred shoe for Disney was a croc. 

They are comfy for lots of walking but also cope well on water rides and in the rain. And as an added bonus you can get lots of Crocs in different Disney themes. My son has a pair of Lightening McQueen ones that he loves. But there are plenty of varieties available.

If you need Disney World shops and the Disney World resorts will also have a limited amount of Disney crocs available for sale should you need an emergency pair.

Click here to shop Disney Crocs 


However if you or your little one doesn’t like Crocs, or you just want an alternative pair of shoes for them, you can’t go wrong with a sneaker. 

And if you want themed pairs there are plenty available. 

 Click here to shop Disney sneakers for toddlers

What to pack for Disney World with toddlers in your Disney Day Pack

What to Pack For Helping your Toddler nap at Disney

It can be challenging for your toddler to nap at Disney World given all of the distractions and heat. It is therefore important to pack things that can help assist your little one to nap.

Note: there are plenty of baby care centers at all of the Disney World parks however it isn’t always convenient to use them if you are traveling in a group so this is intended for those who want their toddlers to nap on the go. 


Best Double Stroller for Disney

Best Double Stroller for Disney

The number one thing you need for nap times at Disney World is a stroller.

If your little ones are anything like mine you will find that they fight naps at Disney World. I find having a stroller with a good sun shade and good recline can really help your toddler to nap in the parks.

For more information on the best stroller and best double stroller to take to Disney World check out this post. And be sure to check out our Disney stroller hacks for some surprising tips to make your day in the parks much much easier. 


Florida can get very humid. Adding to this the crowds at Disney World, it can become a hot and sweaty place pretty quickly. Be sure to take a stroller fan with you to help keep your little one cool as you push them around the parks. 

Note: there are fans with misters available in the parks however you will pay a much higher premium for them so we always take one with us. We have found amazon to have the best value ones. 

Click here to shop fans. 

Blanket / Toy

If your child has a blanket or toy that helps them sleep then be sure to pack this. However you will need to be very vigilant to make sure you don’t loose something precious by it dropping out of the stroller.

Rain Cover

Although when you think of Florida you think of the beautiful weather associated with the Sunshine state. However it does get rainy days. The rainy season in Florida runs from mid May to Mid October, however you can get early or late season storm and rain can occur at any time. 

There would be nothing worse than leaving your stroller in stroller parking in sunny weather only to come out to find it soaked because of a rain storm. For that reason we recommend always traveling to Florida with a rain cover and putting it over the stroller anytime you park it up if rain is forecast that day.

Click here to shop universal rain covers.  

What to Pack For Changing your Toddler at Disney World

Diapers / Pull Ups

Even if your toddler is fully potty trained you may want to take some pull ups with you for some of the longer queues. It isn’t always easy to get to the toilet in time with a freshly potty trained toddler when you are in a big ride queue. Don’t get caught out and make sure you take some with you just in case. 

Note: If you get caught out you can buy diapers and wipes at the Baby Care Center in all of the parks. However we recommend packing extra so you don’t have to resort to this as you aren’t guaranteed the size or variety that you like and you will pay a premium for them in the parks. 

Diaper Cream

You never want your little one to get a diaper rash but it can be a reality in the Florida heat. Having some diaper cream will help prevent this and soothe it if the worst happens. 

Swim Diapers

Although you don’t need swim diapers in the parks you will definitely want them if you are staying at an on-property resort which usually have amazing pools. 

Wet Wipes 

These are useful whether you have potty trained your toddler or not. They are useful for snack time, meal time and just generally in the parks with a toddler. 

I also recommend having some sterilising wipes for pacifiers that fall on the floor or for cleaning restaurant surfaces.

Changing Pad

On our most recent to Disney World we found that generally speaking Disney World toilets are very clean. However there are instances when they won’t be. 

Generally Disney don’t usually provide pads for baby to lie on in the restrooms so you will definitely want to pack a travel changing mat with you. 

What to Pack For Feeding your Toddler at Disney World


If you are still bottle feeding, you will want to pack enough bottles with you. Our toddlers still loves a bottle at night so if you want to catch the fireworks or Harmonious then you will want to have enough with you for a long day in the parks. 

Sippy Cup

It is really important that you keep your toddler hydrated at the parks. A sippy cup is essential for toddlers in the park and can be refilled easily at one of the many water refill stations around the park. 

Formula or Milk

My toddler still loves milk. You can get milk as part of the kids meal deals at the park restaurants however if you want to save yourself the expense we recommend buying the bottle milk (the kind that don’t need refrigerating) before going in or take in some powder with you as ig will save you money in the parks. 


Disney World is home of the great snack and we were disappointed with the fruit and healthy options on offer at Disney World by comparison to Disneyland. 

I don’t recommend taking fruit into the parks because of the heat we do recommend taking in some fruit pouches as a great snack for your toddler at Disney World. 


Best Snacks to Take to Disney World

Best Snacks to Take to Disney World

To save money and Time at Disney World we recommend packing snacks for Disney World. Our generally advice for packing Disney World snacks is taking things that 

  • don’t need refrigerating 
  • are individually packaged

I also recommend packing dried fruit over fresh fruit as this lasts better. 

Snack Cup

You may be wandering round the parks when your toddler gets hungry so for convenience we recommend having a snack cup that your toddler can hold. This way you won’t be slowed down passing your little one snacks. 


Now when we visited Disney World there were plenty of cutlery options for toddlers available but to be sure I recommend packing one from home. 


If your little one still uses a pacifier be sure to pack a plentiful supply in case of drops and losses. The baby care centre will usually have pacifiers for sale however they may not be the right age or brand that your little one likes so we always pack more than we expect to use. 

Miscellaneous things to pack for toddlers

Ear Defenders


Depending on your toddler, they may find some of the attractions, shows or fireworks to be a little loud. If they do have adverse reactions to loud sounds you may wish to bring with you a pair of toddler ear defenders to help them have a more enjoyable day. 

Click here to buy toddler ear defenders.

Sun Screen

The Florida sun is strong. Be sure to keep your little one safe by having a plentiful supply of sunscreen with you.

Click here to shop sun screen


Hopefully your toddler won’t need any medication while you are at Disney World. However if they take regular medication be sure to pack it and check storage instructions and plan accordingly for how to take it into the parks. Disney do provide some storage for those with medications that need to be refrigerated. 

Also we always, no matter the destination travel with a travel first aid kit and some baby paracetamol just in case it is needed. 


Although a stroller is my go to for taking a toddler to Disney World, a carrier can also be helpful. For instance if you are joining a long queue where strollers are not allowed it can be handy to have a carrier with you to pop your little one into.

We do however recommend picking a hot weather carrier to ensure you and your little one don’t overheat in the Florida weather. 


I know reins are an item that really divides people however they are worth considering taking. My little one loves to walk but the crowds at Disney are immense and he can be runner. WE therefore find that reins can give him some freedom while allowing us to stay close.

We prefer to use the backpack style reins. 

Click here to shop toddler reins

Autograph Book and pen

You will definitely want a souvenir of your little ones trip to Disney and a great way to collect memories is with an autograph book. 

You can buy these in the parks but you will pay a premium for it. Therefore we recommend ordering one from Amazon or Etsy in advance. 

However if you forget the nearby targets and Disney outlet stores should have some for reasonable prices (read cheaper than the parks). 

If you are looking for ideas on how to collect autographs but don’t want to use an autograph book be sure to check out our post on the best alternatives to autograph books for Disney.

Disney World Toddler Packing List Checklist

  • Stroller
  • Rain Cover
  • Blanket
  • Fan
  • Toy
  • Shade
  • Clothes (2-3 sets per day)
  • Costumes 
  • Crocs
  • Sneakers / Sandals 
  • Wet Wipes
  • Diapers
  • Swim Diapers
  • Changing Mat
  • Snacks
  • Formula
  • Bottles 
  • Pacifiers 
  • Sippy Cup
  • Spoon
  • Snack Bowl
  • Ear Defenders
  • Autograph Book
  • Medications 
  • Reins
  • Carrier 
  • Sunscreen